
Captain America

 I love superheroes but I didn’t read comic books as a kid so my only exposure to what they were all about was, like most people, the recent influx of superhero movies. Before then I knew of Captain America but what was his superpower exactly? Exuberant patriotism? It was only after the movie came out that I understood that he was a pretty neat character and had quickly become a favorite. I had an idea that he should be superimposed over three separate vignettes in red, white and blue. The red, of course depicts Red Skull and a tank, the white a wintry scene with a zeppelin and the blue portrays an air battle. I wanted to redesign Cap a bit but kept in mind utilizing only 40’s era design and technology. The wings on his helmet, admittedly a bit silly, were rightfully dialed back for the movie, but in my composition they were more visually interesting by breaking the plane into the red vignette, so they remained in all their wing-flapping glory. This was the first of what I hope to be many superhero paintings.

Measures 20" x  20"

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